Songs for Women, Songs for Men
Photos by Torian Ugworji
“In her new work Songs for Women, Songs for Men, Hallie Chametzky navigates the intersections of gender and performance through an investigation of sacred and secular ritual acts. The soundscore, edited by Colton Dodd, features traditional Jewish and Yiddish music intertwined with the voice and writings of her grandmother, the late poet Anne Halley. Seven women question the performative nature of gender by enacting their own gendered rituals, as well as those of Jewish women around the world and throughout time. The dancers experience the great beauty—as well as the dangers of oppression, limitation, and sexism—inherent in “gender-specific” ritual acts.”
Dancers and Collaborators: Sara Adams, Farron Anderson, Octavia Christopher, Sara Dellinger, Marissa Forbes, Alicia Olivo, Danielle Simmons
Lighting Design: Amy Ariel
Music: Excerpt of “Prologue and Main Title” from Fiddler on the Roof by Jerry Bock; "Yiddisher March" performed by Joseph Cherniavskys Yiddish American Jazz Band; "Arashas S’fosenu" performed by Machtenberg’s Male Choir
Text: Interview with Anne Halley on WFCR Amherst Public Radio, 1965.
Sound Editing: Colton Dodd
Virginia Commonwealth University
”Chance to Witness”
Grace Street Theater
Richmond, VA
November 2018